Fall Fashion from Ericdress
Hello girls,
It`s still summer, but not for a long time. It looks like the weather is getting colder, day by day, and the mornings and the evenings are different every time. Little by little, the fluffy summer dresses are put back in the dressing room, and are replaced with warmer clothes.
I like to make smart shopping every time I get the chance, and the beginning of a new season comes with a lot of discounts. Fall is one of that season, and some social events like Back to school are the best times to buy new clothes on a budget. Ericdress is one of that stores which have discount events with savings and deals, and now is the best time to start shopping.
I found some cute hoodies for girls here and I want to share my choices with you:
1. Cotton Flence Hoodie - just looking at this hoodie I feel warm. I like that there are 4 color choices and this pastel color is amazing:
2. Solid Color Double Breasted Jacket - this piece is a living proof that you can look casual chic while wearing a hoodie, if you know that type to choose.
If you are into more elegants looks, here you can find cheap outwear, with a full range of cheap plus size winter coat. My go to choices are these:
1. Elegant Single Breasted Coat - black, elegant and very lady like. I just love the front layer, it gives an amazing look.
2. Lace Up Double Breasted Coat - I`m in love with this coat, I always wanted a camel color coat, a very wearable color. It looks great with any outfit.
What do you think? Which one do you like?
Kiss Kiss.
cheap plus size winter coats
claudia`s choice
cute hoodie for girls
fall fashion from ericdress
13 comentarii
arata foarte bine jacheta hanorac pentru un pret de 27 de dolari. pe mine m-ar tenta mai mult varianta pe maro.
RăspundețiȘtergereSi mie tot cea maro parca imi face cu ochiul!
ȘtergereJacheta verde menta arata genial! <3
RăspundețiȘtergereCred ca ar fi o pata de culoare interesanta toamna!
ȘtergerePfoaaaaa! Am vazut la tine geci si m-a luat o tristete. Psihicul meu inca nu e pregatit pentru toamna si temperaturi scazute :))
RăspundețiȘtergereEu sunt pregatita sa zic pa caldurii. Din punctul meu de vedere, as trai intr-o toamna continua!
ȘtergereFaine alegeri.
RăspundețiȘtergereMa gandesc deja la ce voi purta toamna asta! :)))
RăspundețiȘtergereNu prea mai imi plac gecile din fas...ma indrept catre paltoane sau puloverase...
Da, e clar! nu sunt deloc pregatita pentru toamna
:) Eu am un palton subtire, rosu. Pe acela sper sa il imbrac, dar cred ca pana atunci trebuie sa-l mai stramtez putin.
Ștergereo da..sa inceapa pregatirile pentru toamna, am pe lista o geaca si eventual un palton sper sa gasesc ceva reglabil in talie
RăspundețiȘtergerePoti incerca ceva cu nasturi in partea de sus a taliei, ca sa nu te incomodeze la burtica :D
RăspundețiȘtergereAti comandat produse de la Ericdress? Si mie imi plac foarte mult, dar mi-e frica sa nu iau teapa... Sunt seriosi? Ce modalitate de plata ati folosit?
Pana acum nu am comandat de la ei, dar din ce am citit prin blogosfera, sunt seriosi Ideea este sa verifici foarte bine masurile.