Buna dragilor,
Ce credeti ca fac eu in viata de zi cu zi, atunci cand nu mai apar pe blog? Oh well, shopping, ce altceva?! Incerc sa ma mai limitez insa, si o sa vedeti acest lucru si maine sau cat de curand, cand o sa va arat si o comanda de la Oriflame :), insa e ok, asa ca haideti sa va arat ce am luat de la Avon luna aceasta:
Apa micelara Nutra Effects - 400 ml, 13 lei - am avut deja varianta de 200 ml, mi-a placut, iar aceasta sticla mare are un pret super bun, asa ca trebuia sa o achizitionez.
Lotiune de curatare Avon Naturals cu trandafiri, menta si musetel - 125 ml, 4 lei - din oferta de reprezentant, are un pret bun si un miros intens de menta. Spune ca e racoritor, sper sa fie!
Scrub pentru picioare FootWorks cu cocos - 75 ml, 4 lei - tot din oferta de reprezentant, cu pret bun. Eu folosesc vara in fiecare zi, asa ca trebuie sa mai adaug la stoc.
Set Foot Works cu menta si aloe format din spray racoritor, exfoliant de talpi si lotiune hidratanta - 100 ml + 75 ml + 75 ml, 12 lei - va aparea in catalogul C 7, asa ca am decis sa il iau sa il incerc in avans.
Voi ati incercat aceste produse?
Kiss Kiss.
Hello my dears,
Is is officially spring and this is the season to make a change. After taking out the winter clothes from our wardrobe, to make room for the flower pattern ones and try to get fit, it is time for us to get a new look this spring. After we ditch the dark lipstick and the smokey eyes for pink lipstick and pastel eyeshadow, our attention is turn to the hair. We all want to make a small or maybe a big change to it, but most of the times we are scared of the consequences. What if short hair is not the best choices for us or maybe brunette hair don't go well with our complexion? Or maybe we want to try different styles and not to be restrained to wear them all day?
The easiest way to do that is to buy a wig. Or more. Nowadays, you can find synthetics or human hair wigs, hair extensions or hair weaves that look so amazing, that no one will notice that is not your real hair.
Addcolo, you will find a great variety to choose from. You can have choose a short human hair wig, a medium or a long one, you can find light color, dark color, ombre color or highlights color. You can go from silk straight to yaki straight to kinky straight, or you can rock a natural wave, body wave, loose wave or deep wave. If you are a curly kind of girl, there are some styles that will suit your taste also - curly, deep curly, kinky curly and afro kinky curly.
Hello everyone,
For every influencer or influencer wanna be out there, the photo taken are very important. A photo stands for a thousands words, so every time we have to choose the best ones for our audience and for our followers. After some time spent researching, I think I come to the best recipe for the perfect photo for the social media accounts. First of all, try to invest in a quality equipment. You don't have to buy the latest DSLR, you can start with using your smartphone, just try to set it to the highest quality.
1. Find the perfect light. A good, natural light, will make every person glow, so try to take photos in sunlight. If you don't find the perfect timing, you can always find some indoor lights like a ring light or a led light. Although they don't offer the same exposure, there are the best choices at the moment, and you can find a various types and sizes, from budget-friendly to professional uses.
2. Find the best background. It is amazing to have a picture with a lovely nature background, but this is not always available. If you want to spice up your photos, you can add
backdrops. They are washable flannel materials, matte and with no glare, is a numerous patterns to choose from. They are washable, don't wrinkle and are easy to transport, so every picture can be album ready. You can also find different sizes, so you can use them for any kind of photos or even for youtube videos.
3. Be natural. Try your best to get the most natural picture of you.. Ditch the filters, they are so last year, and try show little pieces from your everyday life. This kind of pose will certainly bring your followers closer to you and will bring you closer to their hearts.
Do you follow these 3 easy steps? Which are your keys to get album ready pictures?
Kiss Kiss.
Buna dragilor,
Astazi revin aici pe blog cu o recenzie a unei carti mult asteptate, scrisa de unul din autorii mei preferati,
Guillaume Musso. Desi "Fata din Brooklyn"a fost lansata anul trecut, eu acum am reusit sa o aduc in colectia mea, multumita celor de la
Libris, care, apropos, au o noua campanie de promovare a lecturii #respectyourself.
Raphael si Ana par a fi cuplul perfect si urmeaza sa se casatoreasca cat de curand. Insa el simte ca Ana are ceva de ascuns, asa ca ea, fortata de insistentele sale, ii arata o poza cu trei cadavre arse, asumandu-si vina pentru ele. Speriat, Raphael pleaca, insa pe drum realizeaza ca s-a comportat impulsiv si vrea sa se intoarca, insa nu o mai gaseste pe Ana. Intors acasa la Paris, incearca sa dea de urma iubitei sale, insa lucrurile se complica. Ajutat de prietenul sau, Maec Caradec, fost politist, Raphael gaseste in casa Anei o geanta cu aproape jumatate de milion de euro si doua carti de identitate false, care il fac sa se indoiasca si mai mult de cine era cu adevarat femeia. Reusind sa localizeze telefonul ei, ajunge la un depozit unde ea fusese tinuta prizoniera. Afla ca cea care ii poarta in pantece copilul este de fapt o "Fata din Brooklyn" - o tanara rapita in urma cu 12 ani, declarata moarta dupa 5 ani de la disparitie. Cei care incearca sa ii ajute sunt omorati, insa cei doi prieteni pun lucrurile cap la cap, iau legatura cu familia destramata a Anei si afla secrete de mult ingropate, care ar distruge cariere de succes.
Cine este cu adevarat Ana si cine a rapit-o de data aceasta? Este Raphael inconjurat de prieteni sau prietenia este doar de fatada, ascunzand intentii periculoase? Va las pe voi sa descoperiti, cartea o gasiti
aici cu pret redus cu 25%.
Voi ati citit aceasta carte?
Kiss Kiss.
Buna dragilor,
Tema de astazi este in ton cu sarbatoarea de maine, adica Pastele. Eu am ales sa pun pe unghii doua oje pastelate (cu toate ca cea verde numai pastel nu pare) si doua waterdecals cu iepurasi. Iata ce a iesit: