You need a change of look? I have a quick answer
Hello girls,
Does it ever happened to you to have the urge to change something at you? Even if is the makeup, the clothes style or simple the way of living, I always consider that changing is a way to improve something.
Let`s talk, for example, about the hair. Have you ever wanted a new hair cut or a hair color, but you were afraid about the way you will look after? Back in time, you had two option. You could go through with the ideea, you could be lucky to get a new hair cut that would suited you amazing, or you could have made a terrible mistake and wear a hat until your hair grown back. The same applies to changing hair color.
So what can you do? The answer is simple - you could get a wig, and try different hair styles, without harming your hair. Looking online, I found Cocowig , a site with amazing wigs. I`m not a wig expert, but from what I saw, the quality was high and the prices were very convenient.
So, if you are looking for a cosplay wig, here is one I love the most:

I always wanted to try a very light blonde tone, and I think this could suit my face and my personality.
What do you think? Do you like this type of wig?
Kiss Kiss.
3 comentarii
wigs... I would only wear them if they were absolutely necessary!
RăspundețiȘtergereI would wear them for a quick change of look!
ȘtergereEu as incerca sa vad cum imi sta cu parul scurt inainte sa ma tund, altfel nu as avea curaj. Plus ca sunt curioasa cum mi-ar sta cu alte nuante de par. Si nu am tupeu sa ma vopsesc direct. Am fost intr-un magazin cu peruci, dar am probat doar una, mai mult mi-a fost rusine, nu am vrut sa deranjez vanzatoare pentru ca stiam dins tart ca nu o sa ucmpar nimic :))) dar macar am vazut cum mi-ar sta blonda si m-am vopsit. Altfel nu aveam curaj.